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Find out more about how we handle your complaints

If you're unhappy with our service or something we've done, please let us know. Making a complaint gives us the chance to investigate and improve things for you and everybody else.

Our complaints process

If something goes wrong, we'll do everything we can to put things right. Learn how our complaints process works, and how to escalate your complaint if you're unhappy with our response.

How do I make a complaint?

The easiest way to make a complaint is by chatting with us or email us at

If you'd prefer, you can contact us another way instead

What happens next?

Once we've received your complaint, we'll let you know we're looking into your complaint within 2 working days. We'll also give you a complaint reference number so we can quickly find your details in future.

We'll fully investigate all the issues you've raised and try to resolve them as quickly as possible by speaking with you or writing to you. And we'll keep you updated throughout the process (including giving you approximate timescales for any additional updates).

What if i'm still not happy?

If you are unhappy with the response you've received, you can escalate your complaint to our Customer Experience team, who will look into the matter further for you.

You can also contact our Customer Experience team if you haven't received a response to your complaint as quickly as we said you would.

By email

By post

Customer Experience team, HSBC Bank Middle East Limited, PO Box 66, Dubai, UAE

Once we've heard from you, a Customer Experience representative will contact you within 2 working days.

Can I escalate my complaint further?

In the event you are not satisfied with our Customer Experience team's response you have the right to refer your complaint to Sanadak, UAE (an independent financial and insurance ombudsman unit)  using any of the following channels.

You can also contact the Sanadak, if we have not accepted your complaint nor provided you with a final response to your complaint within 30 complete calendar days of receipt, or if you are not satisfied with our response.


Call Center: 800SANADAK (800 72 623 25)


You can find Sanadak branch at the following location:
Sanadak Branch Location

Abu Dhabi

SANADAK Unit – Emirates Institute of Finance Building – Ground Floor – Sultan Bin Zayed The First Street - Abu Dhabi





Office hours:


Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM


Friday 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM

You can find Sanadak branch at the following location:
Sanadak Branch

Abu Dhabi


SANADAK Unit – Emirates Institute of Finance Building – Ground Floor – Sultan Bin Zayed The First Street - Abu Dhabi





Office hours:


Monday to Thursday 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM


Friday 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Listening to what you have to say about services matters to us. It's easy to share your ideas, stay informed and join the conversation.